
Showing posts from 2018

the history of islamabad

Islamabad Capital Territory, located on the Pothohar Plateau, is regarded to be one of the earliest sites of human settlement in Asia. Some of the earliest Stone Age artifacts in the world have been found on the plateau, dating from 500,000 to 100,000 years ago. The crude stones recovered from the terraces of the Soan River testify to the endeavours of early man in the inter-glacial period. Items of pottery and utensils dating back to prehistory have been found. Excavations have revealed evidence of a prehistoric culture. Relics and human skulls have been found dating back to 5000 BC that show this region was home to Neolithic people who settled on the banks of the Swaan River. The Neolithic people developed small communities in the region at around 3000 BC. A Buddhist town once existed in the region. Situated at one end of the Indus Valley Civilization, the area was the first habitation of the Aryan community in Central Asia. Their civilization flourished here between the 23rd and 18...

History of Islam An encyclopedia of Islamic history

Karbala Contributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD Karbala was the last breath of the age of faith. Very few historical events have shaped the language, culture, music, politics and sociology of Muslim peoples, as has Karbala. Languages such as Swahili and Urdu that were born a thousand years after the event relate to it as if it happened yesterday. A laborer in Kuala Lumpur reacts to it with the same immediacy as a qawwal in Lahore or a professor in Chicago. Karbala is a noun, an adjective and a verb all at once. Indeed, Karbala marks a benchmark in Islamic history and a central hinge around which the internal dialectic among Muslims revolves. Until the assassination of Ali ibn Abu Talib (r) the issue of succession to the Prophet had been decided through mutual consultation. Abu Bakr (r), Omar (r), Uthman (r) and Ali (r) (the Khulfa e Rashidoon as Muslims generally refer to them) drew their legitimacy from the consent of the people. The process was inherently ...

1. Introduction to Software History

This chapter will be revised constantly.                                                                                            First Steps How It All Started Enter the Information Age programming the new tools machine language subroutines fortran programming language enter C artificial intelligence enter OOP new methods required What is a program Creation of a program Computer languages Interpreters and Compilers interpreters compilers Standardization Software Generations first Generation second Ge...

Allama Muhammad Iqbal Biography in Urdu!



PAKISTAN ARMY'S CONTRIBUTIONS IN UN MISSIONS                                                    Pakistan's commitment towards promoting international peace prosperity stems from the vision of its founding Father. "Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world. We believe in the principle of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world and in upholding the principles of United Nations Charter." Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah Founder of Pakistan February 1948 Ever since its creation, Pakistan has played a significant ro...

Training Philosophy of Pakistan Army:

Training Philosophy of Pakistan Army:                                                                                            The training of the Pakistan Army encompasses threat perception and suggests progression while giving initiative and full latitude for realistic and mission oriented training at formation level while keeping the monitoring of the training at the highest level. Quest for excellence in training, therefore occupies centre stage in the gambit of peace time pursuits of an Army, as it epitomises its standards of professional efficiency and operational preparedness. Over the years, Pakistan Army has evolved an indigenous system of training, based on the role of Army, "To defend the territorial and ideological boundaries of Pakistan from...

Pakistan army_MEN AT THEIR BEST

War History Introduction                                                                                                                      Kashmir War 1947 - 49                                                                                                                       By November 1947 Auchinleck, Supreme Commander ba...

the topic of islam


Encyclopedia Tareekh-e-Alam

Easily and free download or read online the detailed Urdu book about History "Encyclopedia Tareekh-e-Alam" and discover about the history of the world in Urdu language. Encyclopedia Tareekh-e-Alam is the title name of this Urdu book which is all about history of the world. The title name of the book means World History Encyclopedia. This Urdu book is a detailed history Urdu book about the world. The book is as long as contains on 3 volumes. This book is authored by Mr. William L Langer who is a well known western Historian. The author of this book Mr William L Langer was the chairman of the history department at Harvard University, He was on leave during World War II as head of the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services. He was a great expert and History author. Encyclopedia Tareekh-e-Alam Urdu book is the Urdu translation of Mr. William L Langer's book Encyclopedia of World History . This is a detail book ever written about ...

Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam

                        Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam                             Free download or read online another worth reading Urdu book "Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam" and increase your general knowledge about the history of Islam in your own Urdu language. "Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam" is the title name of this Urdu book which is compiled by Mr. Shair Ali Shair who is an Urdu author and master of arts and education (M.A & M. Ed). He has authored various other Urdu books about general knowledge in Urdu language. I will soon write a review about those Urdu books of him. Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam Pdf Urdu book is all about general knowledge. There are a lot of information about the history of Islam in Urdu language. The book will increase your general knowledge be...