Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam

                        Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam                             Free download or read online another worth reading Urdu book "Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam" and increase your general knowledge about the history of Islam in your own Urdu language. "Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam" is the title name of this Urdu book which is compiled by Mr. Shair Ali Shair who is an Urdu author and master of arts and education (M.A & M. Ed). He has authored various other Urdu books about general knowledge in Urdu language. I will soon write a review about those Urdu books of him.
Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam Pdf Urdu book is all about general knowledge. There are a lot of information about the history of Islam in Urdu language. The book will increase your general knowledge because this book is in the shape of questions and their answers so that your general knowledge about Islamic history will be increased. 
General knowledge is very important in case you are looking for a good job because education and other your skills are not the only reasons that will give you a job. In every interview questions regarded general knowledge are asked. This book will increase your Islamic information.
Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam Urdu book is here in Pdf format and as long as 96 pages with the disk size of 23.46 MB only. You can free download or read online Malomat Tareekh-e-Islam Urdu book from the blinking buttons below (Below the sample pages.).
                                                                                                                                              Brief Information of the book  
Book Name:Maloomat Tareekh-e-Islam
Writer:khizar ali
Size:23.46 MB


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